(864) 28-MUSIC [286-8742]      150-G Tanner Rd. (at Butler) Greenville, SC 29607

COVID-19 Instrument Cleaning Guidelines

COVID-19 and Instrument Cleaning: The NFHS, NAfME and NAMM recommend the following guidelines for handling musical instruments during the COVID-19 school shutdown period. These guidelines are designed for use by music educators and educators may use these guidelines when teaching students and parents how to clean instruments.

Should my child take private instrument lessons and how to I find a good private music teacher?

Nearly 100% of the time, the answer is YES! Having a specialist work with your child can only be beneficial, as they can address instrument-specific issues of each child more easily in a one-on-one setting. If you purchased an instrument care kit with your instrument at M.I., there's a coupon in there for one free lesson you can use at Musical Innovations Conservatory!

Happy Birthday & Being Part of Your World - 30th Anniversary of the Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid has always been one of my favorites. The storyline, the music, and a “crabby” conductor make for a wonderful film regardless of your age. But most of all, it is a not so subtle reminder to break outside of our boxes and stretch ourselves beyond our own little curricular areas. Ariel puts it best when she sings "I want to know what the people know. Ask them my questions and get some answers, so I can be... Part of their world. "




Young people have figured out what most adults have not; putting others down does not lift ourselves up. And being different can be more valuable than being the same. Today's young people, more so than at any time in our past, understand that it is not about what others think, it's about what THEY think. This is as important to music as it is to chess. … We are who we are. And, as long as we know and are comfortable with that, we have already won the game. 


Musical Innovations and Fox Music House Host Successful Clarinet Day

Musical Innovations and Fox Music House Host Successful Clarinet Day

… “The clinician, Dr. Andy Hudson, was top caliber, he got each student excited about music and the school year ahead. Plus he engaged with parents and gave an inspiring performance. We were incredibly blessed to have him share his gifts with our students at Charleston’s Clarinet Day!

Demystifying ESSA - Every Student Succeeds Act

You’ve heard of the Every Student Succeeds Act (more commonly known as ESSA). How does it impact school music programs? What states have had success, and what does every music educator and advocate need to know about it?

States of Success: How school districts are using Title IV funds for music and arts education …

An Open Letter to Parents of Future Band and Orchestra Students

Congratulations! Your child has chosen to start band or strings class this fall! This is exciting! But naturally, you are also apprehensive – “How much will this cost?” “Will my child like it?” “How do we choose the right instrument?” “Will my child stick with it? After all, he’s tried karate, gymnastics, piano, and soccer ... and quit them all.”  “Does my child even have any musical ability?”

Why Mouthpiece Test?

One of the best ways to help a band director to ensure his new students’ success in band, and to ensure they stay in band, is to do careful and detailed mouthpiece testing, or “play testing,” as some retailers call it. If you take your time to do this, you will begin to build relationships with the beginning students and their parents, and help your band program a take a huge step forward at the same time.

Helping students get what they really want - and need

Please understand, what parents want, what friends play, even what kids “want” (i.e. without ever even holding an instrument) are not always the best choices. Please take the time to do a real testing/fitting. If you are unsure how to do this, your local school music dealer should be able to help. If a child is unsure about band (or strings) and every practice session is uncomfortable, then we may well lose a child who could have been a wonderful asset to our ensemble if the proper instrument had been chosen.