(864) 28-MUSIC [286-8742]      150-G Tanner Rd. (at Butler) Greenville, SC 29607

Our Story

How & Why Musical Innovations Began!

Tracy Leenman, owner of Musical Innovations - a woman owned company in Greenville, South Carolina

Hello! I'd like to introduce myself and tell you the story of Musical Innovations! I hope you'll take the time to enjoy our story and join us on our musical journey! I am Tracy and for many years, I was a music teacher. I had studied Music Education at the Eastman School of Music and at Syracuse University. I loved teaching! But I had a really hard time finding music stores that had what I needed, offered prices my students’ families could afford, and above all, had sales associates that knew their stuff . . . and were nice (when you go shopping with your 6-month-old twins, you find out quickly who’s got patience and who doesn’t!).

Once our children all started school (and by this time, there were six!), I went to work in a local music store. Ironically, this store hired me precisely because I had complained so vocally about the service I wasn’t getting from their company. In my 15 years there, I went from a private lesson teacher and administrator of the teaching studios to the COO (chief operations officer). And during that time, I fell in love with the Music Industry and school music retail.

In hopes of leading that company someday. I made sure to learn every job in the building. If someone went on vacation, I’d take their place for the week. I worked in shipping and receiving, invoicing, credit and collections, sales – and I learned a lot. But I also saw things that were not the way I knew teachers wanted them to be. Things that made it harder for schools and families to be in music. I also saw things that I believed were not quite right. After all, I am very aware that, just like the Hebrew National commercial, we all “answer to a higher power.” As usual, I tried to make things better – and in December 2007, my discovery got me fired.

I was crushed. My love for the Music Industry, and my passion for helping children play music were still strong. My customers were crushed. They called me at home and begged me to “come back.” My manufacturers too – they said, “We need you back.” Finally, in February 2009, at the request of the Buffet clarinet company, I started Musical Innovations. It was the middle of the Great Recession, and I honestly had no idea if it would work, but with the support of my family and friends, we took a huge leap of faith.

Musical Innovations is located on Tanner Rd in Greenville, SC

At first, we had that one line of band instruments, and one line of string instruments (Amati’s Fine Instruments). Soon, word got out. And by God’s grace, we grew. We operated out of my home for a few months, but my family got tired of tripping over boxes, and in July of 2009, we opened our store front, on Tanner Rd in Greenville. That first year, we rented 126 instruments; the next year, it was more than double. Now, we rent over 1,500 instruments each fall – a lot of growth in just a decade! Now, we have a number of major lines of band and string instruments (including several exclusive proprietary lines), sheet music and accessories. We began with three employees, and now have over two dozen, including four full-time education specialists who visit schools across SC and in NC; five repair technicians; and seven private music teachers at our in-house conservatory.

Our goal is to create a company that is different. Not only transparent and ethical, but also one that could be a real resource for parents, teachers, and our community. That offers relevant product information, customer-focused service, innovative products, and surprisingly affordable prices. With enough products in-stock for musicians to try out various instruments before they purchase – even at the pro level – and with employees that are honest enough to say, “That might not be the best fit for you.” Our employees are all musicians and music educators who share our passion for music, and who are excited about finding creative ways to involve more people in playing music.

Musical Innovations logo includes a triad.

Our logo is a triad – representing our families, educators and school music dealers all working in harmony to bring music to more students. The middle note of the triad, MI, is the “mi” of “do-mi-so.” It’s also the abbreviation for the Music Industry, and also for Musical Innovations. Just as the middle note of a triad determines the “quality” of the chord (major vs. minor, for example), M.I. impacts the relationship between our schools and our families. We work hard at the local, state and national levels to promote music education and to strengthen school music programs, including a trip to Washington, DC each May to advocate with Congress for funding for school music.

We’ve worked hard to develop Better Products – Better Plans – Better Prices that are customer-centered, and family-friendly. One of our go-to phrases is, “Default to Yes,” meaning that we will do whatever it takes to “amaze every customer, every time.” Sure, every company says they’re “the best,” but we have the hardware to back it up! In 2013, we were named to NAMM’s Top 100 Dealers for the first time (we’ve been on that list annually since then); in 2015 we were named Top 100 Dealer of the Year, and we were given the Best Customer Service Award.

We’ve come a long way, and I’m so very thankful. But I also look forward to the future with hope and excitement. We want to share that excitement with you, our customers and friends – we want you to be a part of our story!