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Exclusive Interview with Bernie Williams from Music & Sound Retailer Magazine

Exclusive Interview with Bernie Williams

Music & Sound Retailer January 2020, Vol 37 No 1  - Published on Jan 9, 2020  

Read Bernie Williams' exclusive interview about music and how it has shaped his life. Bernie has been with us on the NAMM Fly-In each year since 2015 and Musical Innovations is privileged to have him as a friend!

Excerpt from article: "If I didn’t develop a love for music as a kid, I don’t know where I would be today. So, I firmly believe every kid should have an opportunity to play music, especially those who may not have the resources. It’s like getting air or water. If they choose to, every kid should have the opportunity to be exposed to these experiences that can inform their decision making as adults and change their lives.” - Bernie Williams

Read the full article:

