(864) 28-MUSIC [286-8742]      150-G Tanner Rd. (at Butler) Greenville, SC 29607

First Performance: National Day of Celebration


The First Performance National Day of Celebration is a day that has been set aside to recognize the achievements of beginning instrumental music students. It is celebrated through the presentation of a demonstration concert that allows these young musicians to showcase their newly-acquired musical skills for the very first time in a successful public venue.

The ultimate goal is to reduce beginner dropouts, encourage positive communication with parents, strengthen administrative support for the program and create a memorable and successful experience for the students. The sound of applause early in a musician’s life can encourage continued growth and lead to a lifetime of music making. This easy-to-implement, turn-key program will serve to provide an exciting first step in that musical journey.

The program is being launched in the fall of 2018 with all the complimentary materials needed to help reduce dropouts, encourage positive communication with parents, and strengthen administrative support through a memorable concert experience for the students.

Get your FREE Materials to start planning today!

Contact Tracy at Musical Innovations for more details and your FREE Download!
864-286-8742 or info@musicalinnovations.biz
