(864) 28-MUSIC [286-8742]      150-G Tanner Rd. (at Butler) Greenville, SC 29607

Beginner School Band and Strings Students - We Can Help!

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If your child is going to be in school band or strings this fall, and wants to find the instrument that’s best for her/him ... We Can Help!

Our top priority is the safety of your student, you, and ourselves. Musical Innovations is on the front lines, working on a state and national level, with organizations studying the data to find real solutions, safe practices, and effective procedures so that we can continue safely playing music and reinforce that Music IS an essential school subject. We are here to help you and to encourage good decisions to get through these uncertain times.

We work with local band directors to help you find the instrument that is best for you. After you visit us, you and your teacher will be able to choose what instrument you’ll be playing in the fall!

face shields, new mouthpiece testing kit, and sterisol available at Musical Innovations. We are ready to help your child safely choose what instrument is best for her or him. If they are a beginner school band or orchestra student, please let us hel…
a collage of beginner band and string students mouthpiece testing school band instruments and being fitted for school string and orchestra instruments. violin, cello, clarinet, french horn, and trumpet mouthpiece.

How will my child choose what instrument is best for them if we have to stay 6’ apart and we can’t share mouthpieces?! Don’t Worry! We have the solution!

  1. We wear D’Addario face shields that are made from the same sturdy material as drum heads.

  2. We offer options so that you are comfortable and make the right decision for you and your child. Remember, we are trusted pros at sanitizing instruments ... that’s what we do everyday in our repair shop!

    1. We are offering a real, hands-on experience where students can hold an instrument that is completely sanitized between testings. This is the best method to make the best decision about which instrument they want to play!

    2. We also offer a newly released mouthpiece “Testing Kit!” These mouthpieces are also easily sanitized because they are made from material that doesn’t absorb moisture nor harbor germs!

  3. We have a large space for testing that allows for plenty of social distancing.

Be assured that we have the sanitizing solutions, the know-how, and the proper equipment for SAFE, EASY, and EFFECTIVE Mouthpiece Testing. We follow all NAMM/NAfME guidelines for mouthpiece and instrument cleaning/sanitization.

Please come by and let us help so that your student doesn’t miss a beat! Appointments Preferred. Walk-ins Welcome.

Logo for Musical Innovations - Your Favorite Place for Music Stuff!

Come by:

Musical Innovations
150-G Tanner Rd.
Greenville, SC 29607

Call: (864) 286-8742

Summer Hours:

Monday-Friday: 11:30 - 4
Saturday: 11:30 - 3
Sunday: Closed
