(864) 28-MUSIC [286-8742]      150-G Tanner Rd. (at Butler) Greenville, SC 29607

Music Educators: Back To School 2017

A new school year, and with it the long days setting drill on the hot pavement, the squeaks and splats of new beginners, and the craziness of back to school time. But we also see the camaraderie grow within those marching ranks, and the excitement on the faces of those new beginners when they see their new instruments for the first time. This is what keeps us coming back year after year. Not only coming back, but looking forward to doing what we love best - teaching music.

We are excited about the new school year, especially excited about the potential that each of us has with ESSA to have our programs adequately funded, to have our professional development endeavors supported, and for music to be given equal status as a stand-alone subject “essential to the well-rounded education of all children.” Now, the proverbial ball is in our court, as each of us must play a part in making sure our schools give music the stature afforded it by ESSA. As Mary Luehrsen of NAMM says, “Reinforce, Remind, Request:”  

  • Reinforce what is in the law, that music is an “essential part of a well-rounded education.”  
  • Remind school and community leaders about the proven benefits of music education.
  • Request that your school and district expand the use of Federal Title I and IV funds to expand access to music education for all students. Now’s the time - let’s get on this!!