(864) 28-MUSIC [286-8742]      150-G Tanner Rd. (at Butler) Greenville, SC 29607


Our 20 Point Instrument Inspection

 Strings Instrument Repairs you can trust!

Musical Innovations’ In-House Repair Shop performs a 20 point inspection for all instruments. Each instrument is thoroughly sanitized after all repairs and inspections are completed. We pick up and deliver repairs, free of charge, for most schools in SC and NC.



  1. Bow, frog, and stick are sanitized. 

  2. Bow hair is sanitized.

  3. Bow is free of cracks.

  4. Bow screw turns smoothly.

  5. Bow fittings (ferule, slide, tip plate) are damage free.

  6. Body of the instrument is sanitized.

  7. Fingerboard is free of residue.

  8. Instrument pegs turn smoothly and are lubricated.

  9. Bridge is fitted properly and aligned.

  10. Soundpost is fitted properly and adjusted.

  11. Fine tuners are adjusted and work properly.

  12. Chin rest is properly fitted (violin/viola).

  13. Endpin is functional (cello/bass).

  14. Strings are wound correctly in the peg box.

  15. Strings with damaged metal windings and false strings are replaced.

  16. Strings are free of rosin buildup.

  17. Bridge is free of warpage.

  18. Any open glue joints or cracks are repaired.

  19. The case zips and latches securely.

  20. The instrument is play-tested by a specialist.